Tag Archives: robert smith

17 seconds (from quiet storm)

whenever i’m in the US i normally tune in a quiet storm station while driving, somehow it’s a great fit with the american tuning of car suspension – soft, slow and like surfing long gentle waves. a european version of the same car will have very different suspension tuning – but this is a discussion outside this entry (going to fast over a bump in an american car will make any european sea sick…).

so here i was cruising down a north carolina highway, listening to the foxy radio quiet storm when i see a flooded area with tall grey, bare, trees in – and i immediately see the cover of the cure’s 17 seconds album – and that’s pretty far from quiet storm! stopped the car, jumped out and took a couple of pictures and to make the album cover vision i saw complete i also did one shot totally out of focus. do you think i came close?

a chain of flowers

in the parks here the flowers are still in bloom – and too lovely to avoid with the macro lens.


to get some variation we plan a walk with only a 24 mm lens, we’ll see how that goes…


You know I even think that she stared like you
She used to just stand there and stare
And roll her eyes right up to heaven
And make like I just wasn’t there

And she used to fall down a lot
That girl was always falling
Again and again
And I used to sometimes try to catch her
But never even caught her name

(lyrics by robert smith – they just fit so well)

mr alphabet says

the feeling of not being able to formulate your thoughts in a meaningful way, or maybe the overwhelming amount of information sweeping over us from everywhere. the stuttering and stumbling of words when you approach that very special person you really would like to say something witty to. and there you stand with your mouth full of letters refusing to come out in a sensible way.

your interpretation is as valid as mine. no more words.